What Do We Teach In Pre-Kindergarten?

Energetic, enthusiastic, and curious, Pre-kindergarten children are between the ages of four and five years old. They are establishing a self-confidence and positive attitude toward learning. Teachers are the catalyst to encourage extended learning opportunities. Children need learning experiences where they can succeed and yet be challenged. Teachers strive to guide children to enjoy the process of learning.

Our enriched curriculum addresses learning in all the developmental areas. Cognitive growth that enhances intellectual development is included in our integrated curriculum and runs through all our daily activities in language, math, science, and critical thinking skills. Social development helps build lasting friendships and refined social behavior. Emotional growth is the foundation of self-confidence and socialization skills.

Kangaroo Kids has a different theme every week and activities are centered on that theme. In addition, different letter, number, color and math concepts are introduced. Children also have an opportunity to plan and create themes based on their own interests.

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What Our Prekindergarten Day Looks Like

  • Morning Meeting is a group gathering where children share ideas, conversations, and plans. Circle activities are designed to stimulate thinking, enrich their social skills and enhance their attention span. It gives children an opportunity to learn the art of conversation and the confidence to speak in front of a group.
  • Math curriculum includes matching, sorting, patterning, comparing, classifying, ordering, measuring, and graphing one to one correspondence, reasoning and problem solving. Kangaroo Kids uses ETA Cuisenaire Hands-On Standards for math (Pre-K through K.)
  • Computer activities are used to reinforce and strengthen the reading, math and science skills and knowledge.
  • Foreign languages are introduced through song, stories, and projects. Children are also exposure to a variety of languages through conversation and a print rich environment. Weekly Chinese and Spanish Classes are also a regular part of their curriculum as well as exposure to sign language.
  • Science activities offer children many hands-on opportunities for observation, exploration, investigation, making predictions, and experimentation and critical thinking through the study of plant and animal life, the properties of magnets and water, and the study of nature.
  • Social interactions are encouraged and guided to help children learn positive social skills. Leadership and personal responsibility are also encouraged. We also include multicultural experiences to promote and understanding of other cultures.
  • Creative activities include dramatic play where children learn to use their imagination and practice life skills. Art work help youngster creatively express their thoughts and feelings, as well as enhancing the fine motor skills they will need for writing skills. Block play provides many wonderful experiences for our future architects as they experience different concepts, such as size and shape discrimination, spatial relationships, number skills, balance, organization and cause and effect. Cooperative play skills, problem solving, and creativity are also promoted in block play.
  • Language, Literature Appreciation and Reading-Readiness activities are presented each day through story time, songs, poems, books, and plays and include letter recognition, phonics and activities that promote a love of reading. Reading activities provide an opportunity to enhance children’s vocabulary and comprehension skills, and also expand their knowledge base. Children even create their own books. We use the Voices PreK by Zaner-Bloser (Reading), Zaner-Bloser Handwriting: On the Road to Writing and Reading for Prekindergarten (Writing). The environment provides many print rich opportunities so children are immersed in the world of language. We also enjoy partnering with parents in our Mystery Reader Program.
  • Fitness is promoted through exciting opportunities to dance and sing, as well as outdoor play in our large playground and walks to the local park and farm. Physical activities are fun, healthy, and a good opportunity to enhance social skills such as taking turns and negotiation skills, and leadership techniques. In the summer children enjoy swimming in our heated in ground pool.
  • Music is an excellent way to promote learning. Children sing educational and fun songs throughout the day to promote the curriculum. A specialized music teacher comes in each week to introduce the children to new songs and instruments.

Let Us Show You Why Kangaroo Kids Is For You

You will be amazed at the obvious “love of learning,” that is evident in the classroom! You will see why children graduate from this class well prepared for their next academic adventures!

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