Children learn by using all their senses! Hands on learning is the best method for them to acquire new knowledge. All aspects of learning should be taken into account in planning a developmentally appropriate program, as well as, an awareness of individual learning styles. The environment is very crucial and should be stimulating yet supportive and encouraging. Children learn from every object they touch and every interaction they have with others. Interactions with children should include engaged conversation that extends their thinking, active listening, and eye contact because it says I value you and what you are saying. As any teacher or parent can tell you, they also learn a great deal by example, as they mimic or repeat some of our actions and choices of vocabulary.
Spring is the perfect time to take children outside to enhance their senses! They will use all their senses to see, smell and touch the beautiful flowers growing and trees budding. They will hear the birds chirping. Why not pack a healthy snack and take a nature walk to stimulate all their senses and have a great bonding experience.