Children Learn through play! They are Explorers, Problem solvers and Inventors and love to learn through discovery. It is important they learn to ask their own questions and figure out answers rather than becoming passive, dependent learners.

At Kangaroo Kids we are building the foundations for future learning and encouraging a love of learning that will last a lifetime. Here are some tips to encourage a love of learning through daily activities. Encourage your child to join in family events like cooking. They will learn mathematical skills regarding fractions as they use your measurement tools. They will learn scientific principals as they see solids and liquids combining and changing to make new substances. They will add to their vocabulary as you use different words like spices, peeling, nutrition, and culinary. Cooking provides endless sensory experiences, fine motor skills and most importantly the time together will help to build lasting family bonds. It will also enhance your child’s self confidence as they successfully complete a task. In the next blog we will explore some of the ways children can learn through other everyday activities.