Sensory play is play that involves the use of one or more of the five senses, touch, sight, smell, taste and hearing. Children learn best when they can experience the world through all their senses. All week at Kangaroo Kids Summer Camp we are doing Messy But Meaningful projects!

Play dough is a good old standby, even for the toddlers! Mix the ingredients below and get out the cookie cutters and a rolling pin and let your child explore. Make a pretend birthday cake or form shapes and letters with the dough!

Play dough
1. 3 cups flour
2. 1 cup salt
3. 3 Tablespoons oil
4. 1 cup of water

You are involving your child’s sense of touch by allowing them to feel the soft flour and gooey mixture, their sense of smell by adding a little cinnamon to your playdough, their sense of site by all the creations and tools they use to make their playdough projects or mixing in different colors, their hearing by the discussion you have while creating the mixture and at times even their sense of taste as you redirect them from experiencing the taste of playdough.